Sunday, April 27, 2008

Life list 31-40

I'm milking this list for about a month's worth of blogging, huh? The list continues ...

31. Learn how to drive a motorcycle - The older I get, the more interested I am in riding a motorcycle. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

32. Write a book or script

33. Go white-water rafting

34. Earn a master's degree - I started an MBC program at the University of St. Thomas, but it's just too damn expensive for me right now.

35. Become ABC (or APR) accredited - I'm planning to do the ABC accreditation program this fall.

36. Learn how to play golf - I used to joke that I wouldn't take up golf until I turned 30. Maybe it'll be 40. Or, maybe when my knees won't allow me to play basketball anymore, which could be any day now.

37. Attend a bullfight

38. Attend a live boxing match

39. Help build a Habitat for Humanity home

40. Start my own business

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